Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Nationalism is defined as a love for one's country. Historically, however, nationalism takes on a greater meaning. Throughout history, large groups of people who share a cultural identity (language, customs, history) have felt the pulling power of nationalistic feeling. The spirit of nationalism also includes the belief that one's nation is better off as an autonomous state. Autonomy is defined as a nation governing itself independently from a centralized point. Still another aspect of nationalism is the willingness to go to extreme measures in achieving autonomous self-rule. Revolutions, wars, ethnic tension, and other conflicts of varying degrees have occurred throughout history because of a love for one's country. The spirit of nationalism has shaped the histories and destinies of many countries. Nationalism can unite people into cohesive, stable nations. Likewise, it can tear nations apart which can result in long periods of social upheaval and political chaos.

The American Revolution however is not a revolution because of nationalism, the French Revolution and the American are completely different reasons. The French wanted to preserve their French identity, unlike the 13 colonies who did not want to keep with British identify, they formed the United States of America.

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